The Wim Hof Breathing Method (and how to do it)

2 min readOct 18, 2021
Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

Breathing is an unconscious process, but thankfully we can take a break from inhaling oxygen because it is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. Otherwise our body cells would constantly be flooded with energy.

The amount that you breathe in influences how much life-force enters into your own being; just like when someone takes their next breath after holding back on exhale for as long as possible — this action releases all accumulated carbon dioxide out through another set of bodily orifices (mouth/nose) so there are no toxins left trapped inside.

Wim Hof has spent years mastering different techniques (such as cold exposure) which allow him to stay calm no matter how intense the situation gets — all by controlling his own body chemistry through deep abdominal breathing exercises.

Here’s how to get started…

Imagine yourself in the most comfortable position possible. Before you start, make sure that your lungs can expand freely without feeling any obstruction or tightness around them and then draw a deep breath into your…




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