What is a morning routine and why should I get one?

Player One


Morning routines are one of the key features of a high-performance life. Whether you’re an athlete, teacher or a world leader, getting the morning routine right is the difference between having a productive day and having, at best, an ‘okay’ day.

So it’s well worth the time it takes to set up this habit.

What makes you feel good?

Knowing the answer to this question can help you create a morning routine that really sets you up for success.

Your aim is to build in one or two actions that bring real meaning to your morning. Affirmations are a perfect example. Really using affirmations effectively can bring about a physical and mental change in you.

Then there’s water. Water makes a huge difference to your day, and having water as part of your morning routine is an incredibly powerful outcome. Just one large glass of water in the morning and you’re set for the day. Hydration is more than important. It’s vital.

Water does the following:

  • Regulates your body temperature. Have a cold glass in the middle of the night if you want proof
  • Flushes out waste
  • Boosts your brain function

I can’t help you…

Beyond me telling you to go out and get a morning routine, there’s not much more I can do to help you get one. They’re very personal things, and if you don’t put the effort in, you’ll start a million and ditch a million.

Make a promise to yourself to really focus on creating a morning routine. Make it something you try for four mornings in a row. Why four? I’ve found that doing something three times feels okay. When you push yourself to do something four days in a row? That’s tough. It starts to bite.

Don’t ‘give it a go’. Commit to doing this four mornings in a row. I guarantee that by the fourth morning, you’ll know if it’s for you…




Player One

Here to help you wake up, smell the gasoline, and help others with your experience.